git clone https://github.com/zhiva-ai/Lung-Segmentation-API.git
docker-compose up
Before we start please make sure your server has access to:
- Unix-base shell
- Docker
- Docker Compose
Get the server code
You can either clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/zhiva-ai/Lung-Segmentation-API.git
or download it directly from ZhivaAI Local Model API.
Build the server
docker-compose up
Your model API should be available at:
If you want to run the server on different port then modify posts
mapping inside docker-compose.yaml
Use my own model
Model API receives an array of instances. Each instance is encoded as array of bytes and parsed into DICOM Instance with pydicom library.
This happens at L31 endpoint definition. You don't have to worry about handling DICOM data. It is covered by model-proxy and your API gets prepared data directly.
Inference point
Your model should receive a list of DICOM SOP Instances. and the example implementation is available here: https://github.com/zhiva-ai/Lung-Segmentation-API/blob/5a3863bc587f956cf6920e8a466b3bbc16983c2d/app/segmentation/lungs_segmentation_inference.py#L39.
If you have your own model then replace the invocation at L42 of endpoint definition with it.